Fellowship for relatives and friends of persons with drug, alcohol or behavioral problems.
The treatment and supervision are largely paid for by a tax on a legal drug - alcohol.
Student judicial and conduct codes allow for dealing with minor drug, alcohol, and vandalism charges outside the legal system.
Jobs at drug, alcohol and other rehabilitation and outpatient clinics rose to 10,000 from 8,500.
They do this even if the people still have drug, alcohol or medical problems.
Death, suicide and car-crash statistics say that the legal drug alcohol is more lethal.
They considered permanent housing for the homeless the last step in a process of rehabilitation for drug, alcohol and mental problems.
Duh - A much better defense would be to legalize and regulate the drugs they deal in just like the drug alcohol!
The drug alcohol, to be specific ethanol, is a central nervous system depressant with a range of side-effects.
This tolerance for the drug alcohol leads to dependence.