The story takes place in Detroit, where two stick-up men named Jackie and Billy break into the apartment of a drug addicted couple.
Lionel finds love as well, with Paul Steel, a drug addicted actor who was recently fired.
Arnie (Franklin) is a drug addicted koala.
She also leads a group therapy session for former drug addicted inmates.
She starred in the 2010 release, Twelve as a drug addicted teenager.
Dope Sick Love is the story of two drug addicted young couples living on the streets of New York City.
All teens who experiment with alcohol or another drug become addicted to the substance.
Born to a drug addicted mother, Walter was in foster care until Dees managed to get him released into her care at the age of four.
An orphan, Nikita was once a felonious drug addicted teenager.
Rozonno grew up without any contact from his father and with a drug addicted mother.