You look like a drowned corpse that's floated to the surface after a week.
When the green fire lit their faces it lent them the appearance of drowned corpses.
They rolled, almost like drowned corpses in the swell of moving waves; then became still.
"They're coming down to search for your drowned corpse," Ansel warned her.
One of them was the blue-white color of a drowned corpse, and its breath steamed in the air.
It was like the wet hand of a drowned corpse!
I was convinced that the drowned corpse would not be found worthy.
Not even a discovery of some drowned corpse was going to interrupt his solipsistic world; it was too much like the city.
Nora and Cathleen receive clothing from the drowned corpse that confirms it as their brother.
The dusky faces looked like those of drowned corpses in the glow.