Tall fescue, touted by the lawn industry as a drought-tolerant, disease-resistant grass, never goes dormant on the prairie.
This is a very drought-tolerant grass that can be found in dry areas, such as sunny grasslands and savannas.
"They are drought-tolerant grasses," he said.
Before you reseed, consider hardier tall fescues, disease-resistant, drought-tolerant grasses that don't require much fertilizer.
The drier regions surrounding the Gobi host drought-tolerant grasses, together with forbs and low, spiny shrubs.
He combined these drought-tolerant grasses with perennials like lavender, lamb's ears (Stachys), cushioned spurge (Euphorbia polychroma) and sedum that also have minimal water needs.
Zoysia, a drought-tolerant grass, is being tested around the country.
Keith Thompson, the resort's horticulturist, has added native coneflower, yarrowand drought-tolerant native and non-native ornamental grasses to display beds.
It is a green or greyish, low-growing, drought-tolerant grass with limited maintenance.
In a world of limited water and shrinking wild places, green lawns and water-thirsty perennial beds are giving way to drought-tolerant grasses and native plants.