The British Government said today that it was ready to drop sanctions against new investment in South Africa, unilaterally if necessary.
They should not offer to drop sanctions on Serbia or rein in the Bosnia war crimes tribunal.
In response, Mr. Thompson said today he has dropped sanctions affecting food and medicine.
In return, it wants the United States to drop sanctions against of Japanese construction companies.
Britain resumed diplomatic links; the EC dropped sanctions; western businessmen queued to offer their services.
There is already talk of new approaches, ranging all the way from dropping economic sanctions to military escalation.
The North Koreans have demanded that the United States drop financial sanctions as a condition for reviving talks over their nuclear program.
In exchange for supporting the resolution, China would like the United States to drop sanctions and its criticism of Chinese human rights violations.
My serious suggestion is to propose that we drop sanctions.
United States reschedules Pakistan's debt, and drops sanctions against Pakistan in return for its help with the "war on terror."