It succeeds in being stylishly contemporary without ever dropping brand-names or references to any celebrity born after Seneca.
He made a point of dressing flamboyantly on Budget day, and liked to drop references from Freudian psychotherapy into his speeches.
He drops offhand references to a late-1980's debt crisis that split the United States into several small, mutually hostile nations.
Donough began dropping offhand references to "my armies at home" into casual conversation.
The danger sign: she drops repeated references to her 2-year-old daughter, a tic that puts her in the same club as - aaack!
For these reasons we shall drop references to the separation of science and religion during the scientific revolution.
The workers' job is to study the ways of the American natives; to listen for cues, then drop the right lines and references.
The secretary himself helped set the stage for today's generally positive atmosphere in the last few weeks by conspicuously dropping references to China as a "strategic competitor."
But later on Thursday, in an official statement, the Taliban dropped references to the talks and emphasized the brutality message.
The station subsequently dropped references to its channel number in the early 2000s, becoming known as "Houston's WB".