Loial snorted hard enough to make a bull jump, but he did drop his tone.
He had dropped his usual stuffy tone.
He dropped his tone to a hoarse growl.
Abruptly, the safety director dropped his challenging tone and began to inquire into what was known regarding Kerring's death.
He came nearer to the District Attorney and dropped his scoffing tone.
Dalton dropped his official tone and spoke as if he had been boyhood chums with the man.
Dropping his bitter tone, Coventry asked briefly, "Why do you show me this?
Data asked, dropping his tone to account for their unconscious patient.
Now then, you little baggage," he said, and already he had dropping his insinuating tone, "don't stand there like a wooden image.
At once the painter dropped his tone into gentleness, a soft wheedling.