The sky was filled with jets dropping bombs and napalm.
Israeli aircraft dropped both conventional bombs and napalm, devastating Syrian armored columns.
Smith requested close air support, calling for the waiting aircraft to drop napalm across 11 Platoon's eastern frontage.
One by one, the jets came in low and dropped napalm.
The planes began an intensive strafing and bombing of the jungle and dropped napalm on the Japanese positions.
After a few months with no success by the French, he added other aircraft to drop napalm for clearing purposes.
"At least when they're playing cards, they're not dropping napalm on little kids," Clydine said acidly.
The park has been ravaged by the elephants; it looks like someone has dropped napalm on it, the trees dead or dying.
The first time I dropped napalm I thought, this is the village where I was born.
Pilots noted they saw surviving enemy troops waving white flags on subsequent passes after dropping napalm.