All of which would seem to indicate a sort of master race, perhaps dropping clues for us to discover.
He dropped enough clues to suggest that he'd found her in space.
But at dramatic moments the soul drops clues into our laps, and then we have the choice to pay attention or not.
A few weeks ago, you may recall, I left five $20 bills around the state and used this space to drop clues about where they were.
Vampires did not go around dropping clues to their existence.
"So if he drops clues it may be very slowly," Susan said.
Apple sometimes unintentionally drops clues at these events.
Then suddenly he concentrated his work and constantly dropped clues?
This is when the author drops clues about what is to come in a story, which builds tension and the reader's suspense throughout the book.
Resist the temptation to offer your ideas, instead continue to probe, dropping clues and helping the subordinate to see new ways forward.