Some drivers maneuvered to miss him, while others managed to race on.
The toll plaza is swamped, so drivers maneuver around one another searching for the shortest line.
As the driver maneuvered to hit the tree again at a slightly different angle, the crack lengthened.
A skilled driver can maneuver a trailer into tight spaces by turning the tractor at very sharp angles.
But you know, Mr. Hood, those drivers know the traffic patterns and how to maneuver through them.
The old test did not require drivers to maneuver in reverse, and some bus companies caution their drivers not to back up at all.
But such systems can be troublesome when a driver wants to move slowly, as in stop-and-go traffic or when maneuvering into a parking place.
They remained in silence while the driver maneuvered through the cart-clogged outskirts of the city.
The helmeted driver, though drenched, maneuvered the cycle with the skill of an expert, despite the wind and rain.
The driver must maneuver through a predetermined "track" performing many different driving techniques.