It was impossible to see who was at the wheel, but the driver handled his amazing vehicle with superb skill.
His employer has schooled him and the 11 other drivers to handle pointed questions from customers.
A single driver can handle any database, provided the middleware supports it.
He observed that the human driver behind them was not handling the steering over open ground nearly as well.
Just sit back and enjoy the ride and let the driver handle everything.
The driver was middle-aged and handled his vehicle sedately.
But the mummified driver handled it without apparent heed of caution.
The skilled driver, a young officer under Mikovsky, handled the vehicle with a reckless confidence that could only come from youth.
Firepower and movement, and the tricky part-movement-the driver handles from up front.
The driver, a fat little man bumping cheerfully up and down in his seat, handled the steering-wheel almost as if he loved it.