Then he put the car into gear and drove sedately down the hill.
He pulled back onto the road and drove sedately around the base of the mountain, down the main road through Woodstock.
He drove sedately through the blue-gum plantation until they glimpsed the buildings ahead.
He twisted his head sideways and growled as the white van sedately drove out of the main entrance to the Embassy.
The cop walked back to the cruiser, got in, and drove sedately back toward the intersection.
When they were wide, and the Weres had stepped back, I drove sedately through.
The man was hustled into a police car, which drove sedately away.
He didn't drive sedately, but with the air of a man who knew he could negotiate whatever curve was thrown at him.
After the turn he drove on a little more sedately.
She put the mike back on its hook, buckled her seat belt and drove sedately out the gate.