Bad roads made for easy captures, since no one could drive over 22 miles an hour.
If suddenly called upon for headlong speed, I would probably drive the car off the road at anything over fifty miles an hour.
In testing, the manufacturer says, the unit was driven well over 100 miles without trouble.
We drove over 400 miles - on the wrong side of the road - to see this.
In one day we did 25,000 feet of elevation change and drove over 300 miles.
By the end of the year, they had driven over 50,000 miles to play 150 shows in 28 states.
"And I've never driven over 300 miles in my life."
After a hundred feet it was very clear that if they drove over five miles an hour, they'd soon break an axle.
She has lived in 13 trailer parks and driven over 90,000 miles.
Hertz, for example, charge 25p mile if you drive over 20 miles.