In the first Pine Hollow book, Stevie is driving her friends during a bad storm.
But, gradually, he drove all her friends away.
Katherine Power was waiting in the getaway car, and she drove the trigger man and her other friends away to safety.
"They drive our friends and servants into the sea and drown them," and once more she began to weep.
I know it's painful for you to drive your friends away, but you have to do what your heart tells you is right.
Poon would drive his friends around to different eating locations every day, sometimes even driving five kilometres just to try a new place.
She'd driven his friends away soon after they were married.
That sort of talk drives his closest friends in government to abandon him.
Slough has changed, but not too much, the spirit that drove Joe and his friends as boys stronger than ever.
With his noble heart full of joy, the gallant adventurer himself drove his friends to safety.