The odometer says we have been driving for four and a half miles, but the numbers have no meaning.
We had driven for about 150 miles when our attention was attracted by some tiny shapes outlined against the distant sky.
You can drive for twenty miles in any direction and it's all ours.
They drove the winding mountain trail for two miles, then turned onto blacktop.
We drove in silence for 17 miles, following a slow procession of cars to the parking lot at the site.
Now and then they passed a farm house, and they drove for perhaps ten miles.
You can drive for 80 miles in the Great Basin on a major highway and not see half a dozen cars.
Anyway, we set off and drove for about forty miles.
A car with such tires can continue driving for up to 50 miles at 55 miles an hour after getting a flat.
Drive for nearly two miles and take a left on Union Street in Montgomery.