In April, the Clinton Administration proposed rules designed to discourage major airlines from driving low-cost competitors out of their home markets.
"Larger coal companies are always in favor of increased regulation," he said, because it helps them drive away small and poorer competitors.
The supermarket chains face pressures that have already driven several competitors to the grave.
An Arkansas judge has found the giant retailer guilty of selling merchandise below cost in an effort to drive local competitors out of business.
The company says it is not trying to drive competitors out of business.
Wal-Mart was found by an Arkansas judge to have illegally sold some merchandise below cost in an attempt to drive local competitors out of business.
Critics argue that the practice is done temporarily to drive smaller competitors out of business.
Once Orbitz uses this advantage to drive competitors out of business, they say, its airline owners will be able to raise prices.
Thirdly, the effect that there can sometimes be in distorting markets and actually driving good competitors out of business.
A lawsuit by Continental contends that American's new fare structure is intended to drive competitors out of business.