Soon after, cable tools were replaced with rotary drilling, which could drill boreholes to much greater depths and in less time.
In the early part of the 20th century, the Madras government established the Pumping and Boring Department to drill boreholes with electric pumps.
In an effort to boost supplies, the authorities are drilling boreholes into local aquifers and planning to import water in tankers from the south of the country.
LWI's operations in Kenya have drilled boreholes and rehabilitated water systems.
Western Uranium Corporation is currently drilling exploratory boreholes in the area.
Gas drainage is achieved by drilling boreholes into the seam in advance of mining.
It has no sustainable water, and all attempts to drill boreholes have failed.
It will be essential to drill shallow boreholes between the exploratory wells to ensure that any steeply dipping fractures are not missed by the tomographic software.
The energy can be accessed by drilling boreholes into the ground and can provide heating or hot water.
Local companies drill boreholes and build hand-dug wells, and local artisans are used to provide household latrines.