In 1950, Ghosh organized and began a systematic exploration of the Bikaner site, along the dried-up bed of the ancient Saraswati River.
A quick jerk yanked Clyde's crawling body along a crooked depression that was evidently the dried-up bed of a small stream.
Travellers from the interior told of [61] seeing Esteban as he strayed with eyes like coals along the dried-up beds of rivers or through the great ruins of the, old race.
This whole quarter of the city had been built down a slope leading to the dried-up bed of what had once been a river.
The men had ridden into the village along the dried-up bed of the stream, and now their horses grazed while the discussion continued.
Beyond, the archeologist showed traces of the dried-up bed of the Iridanos River, mentioned by Plato.
Several are clustered along Mandawi Street in the capital's busiest bazaar, beside the dried-up bed of the Kabul River, and the mood is upbeat.
Whether these chasms were the dried-up beds of ancient rivers or not they were unable thoroughly to ascertain.
"There's not even a dried-up bed, or ditch," said Roger, puzzled.
We bump down a game trail in our open Land Rover, past leadwood trees with trunks rubbed smooth by passing elephants, and the dried-up bed of a seasonal watercourse called Manyaleti - the Place of Stars.