He was always clean and well dressed with his hair trimmed.
The other was human, dressed in medical blue, with short brown hair that didn't draw enough attention from the length of her face.
They all leave the hospital dressed cute, with their hair done and makeup on.
They were followed by a man dressed in white, with hair which spilled down onto his shoulders.
Dressed in something pretty and with her hair less severely treated she could be quite attractive.
In the beginning of the music video a young boy dressed all black with long dark hair walks up to a mailbox.
Dressed in loose black, with her short red hair bristling.
Searching the forest, they find a dark skinned young man, dressed in all black with long hair and strong muscles.
She was a rather old lady, all dressed in black, with her white hair in a bun.
The man was very handsome, dressed in military uniform with close-cut hair and a solid, serious face.