She was very plainly dressed, as would be the case with a woman of taste walking in the morning.
Quite plainly dressed, she had the sort of beauty that would make her stand out in any crowd.
A very plainly dressed woman was taken ill on deck.
Plainly dressed for the most part, but they had an eagerness in common.
She must have been nearly forty years of age, tall, thin and plainly dressed.
Compared even with the plainly dressed young man she had seen before, I must look like a beggar.
Those who were plainly dressed wore their clothes with an air, so one could not say if it was from poverty or choice.
Kate respects her father, dressing plainly in his presence to please him.
Ray saw some in the crowds more plainly dressed than he and his companions.
The woman with her back to the greasy alley wall was too plainly dressed for that.