In recent years Federal regulators have greatly restricted ocean dumping of dredge material.
The filling operation would consume as much as 10 million cubic yards of dredge material over five years.
The accord envisioned that the unpolluted dredge materials would cap the existing 12-square-mile, 60-foot-high mound of toxic material.
Federal regulators announced yesterday that they had tightened pollution standards for some dredge materials to be dumped off the New Jersey shore.
Until about twenty years ago they generated their own electricity, got one small airstrip made of dredge material.
Unlike open areas, the harbor cannot absorb the dredge material, which has to be pumped two miles away, adding to the costs.
But the combination of solutions that were developed to manage the dredge material is one we are very proud of.
He also accused the company of illegally dumping dredge material into a bay and cutting down trees in a park.
Consequently, Maine fishermen have asked regulators to find new ways to dump dredge material.
In mid-1994, they proposed creating a two-mile island in the harbor with the dredge material.