On some level, you must have known that I had not evinced this much enthusiasm over anything in many a dreary year.
The whole of those dreary twelve years was gone.
Think of all he must have suffered during so many long, dreary years!
You'll sing the song of limitations all your long dreary years on this earth, won't you?
He had spent a dreary year in space, wondering, hoping, dreaming about that.
He had lived so many dreary years that he was indeed tired.
Oh, it was Heaven after the last dreary year!
The new school was the only bright spot in the otherwise uncertain dreary years of 1922 and 1923.
For the first time in what had been a dreary, wearisome year, the small gray man was intense and interested.
Those were three dreary years when I would drop into my bed exhausted every night to dream.