Pressing shirts on the susie was hot, dreary work.
The "sober reality" was twelve to fourteen hours of dreary, exhausting work, which many workers experienced as hostile to intellectual development.
Somebody, of course, had to do the dreary, routine work of civilization.
It was dreary work, for she had very little intelligence when she was disjointed from happiness.
It was dreary work, for the rain fell heavily and there were fears that the river would flood.
Another soppy girl to do all the dreary work and never be told anything and be talked over the head of the whole time.
This dreary, painstaking work took hours, lasting until well into the early morning.
First, you and your colleagues have to do the hot, dusty and dreary work of building a permission asset one person at a time.
"Let us sit; it is dreary work talking on both feet."