Animesh's roommate, the unquenchable poet Tridip, accompanies him with a dreamy vision of a noncompartmentalized nation.
The second main character to enter the fray is Alexander Herzen, a progressive anti-utopian, who was too clear-eyed to share Bakunin's dreamy visions of societal transformation.
About midway in the short vista which my dreamy vision took in, one small circular island, profusely verdured, reposed upon the bosom of the stream.
- and he concludes this embarrassing book with a dreamy vision that equates the United States with a lava-spewing mountain.
"White Christmas" is indeed about anticipation and desire, and its dreamy vision looks both forward to the day approaching and backward to idealized memories of Christmases past.
He seemed floating languidly in a sea of dreamy vision.
Christopher Bollas's dreamy vision of unconscious experience in "Cracking Up" and "Being a Character" (1992) is no exception.
A dreamy vision of perpetual transit, it chronicles a week in the life of a Senegalese-born Seattle bicycle cop who delivers the dislocated voiceover in Wolof.
Berk's poetry evolved from the approach of an epical socialist to the dreamy vision of a lyrical and erotic individual.
Darling still had dreamy visions of that bright, flat, hypo-ambiguous world.