"I have a stone from a lake in mine," she said, her voice taking on a dreamy quality.
Her opened eyes gazed upward with a dreamy quality to them.
Much of his reading, therefore, had an uncommon delicacy and at times an almost dreamy quality.
Many of her children's photographs have a dreamy quality.
There is a dreamy quality to her voice, and to the way she behaves.
There was a dark, dreamy quality in her eyes he'd never before seen.
Sometimes, though, when she thought he didn't see, her face took on a dreamy quality, like she was a million miles away.
All share at least a bit of the dreamy quality of his cars.
Lewis didn't catch the analogy, but he heard the dreamy quality in her voice.
Her voice had softened; there was a dreamy quality in it that he hadn't caught before.