And the gipsy musicians, reassured, crawled out of their hiding- places, and their leader, shouldering his violin, began to play a dreamy melody.
Its dreamy melody "would be dangerous written by someone else," the philosopher Theodor Adorno said, but with Mahler "cliché is turned into event."
Shorter selections by Gershwin and Eubie Blake fit the transcriptions down to the last dreamy melody and syncopation.
As they undress and fall into an embrace, a dreamy Italian melody wafts through the open window mixed with chatter of prostitutes.
Velocity Girl is part of the newest wave of American independents, and brews a gentle storm of dreamy melodies and feedback.
If you can lose yourself in electronic sounds and dreamy melodies you will just love the Swedish synthpop proj...
In the light of a single torch, Naavon walked around the small cave-prison examining the wall while Goss played a dreamy melody on his flute.
The band's releases were characterized by layered arrangements, dreamy melodies, and the fluid guitar of Scott Mather.
Fritsch mixes fanfares and percussive lead lines to lend his dreamy melodies a rockier edge.
Slowly, their voices build into gentle yodeling and dreamy, high-pitched melodies that form a web of irregular harmonies, ornamented by rhythmic clapping.