In a dream-like sequence, Madonna rolls around in bed wearing skimpy-lace underwear while various figures come and go.
Finally, she returns to the Heaven and this moment corresponds to the awakening from a dream-like sequence of events.
Similar plot elements include killing off a main character early on, switching points of view, and dream-like sequences.
Devlin questions Rebecca in forceful ways, and she reveals personal information and dream-like sequences to him.
In response to Devlin's further inquiries about her "lover", Rebecca relates several dream-like sequences involving the man who she has quoted initially (7-27).
These dream-like sequences recur throughout the episodes.
These dream-like sequences are shot in a poetic mode.
This dream-like sequence introduces the main 'Dame Scotia' narration.
It is used either as a transition between scenes or as part of a dream-like sequence.
Heat and Conduct, Miro Svolik's dream-like sequences (21 Mar-9 May).