So I was forced to stay with a mother who was alien to me, dreaming all the time of my aunt.
We'd drive each other crazy inside a year--me always wanting to get things done, him dreaming the time away.
She dreamed all the time, waking frequently from nightmares that left her shaking and mute.
But I cannot go through life dreaming all the time, existing through the darkness on only a glimpse of heaven.
Earlier in its intrauterine existence, the fetus may be dreaming all the time.
I've been dreaming about your singing the whole time I've been in sick bay.
We took on more boys and started day and night shifts, sparing ourselves no trouble, dreaming all the time of that rich reef below.
The video then shows that the man was dreaming the entire time, and died in his sleep.
Then, she was dreaming all the time.
Pukwudji, if I was just dreaming the last time we met, how come you remember it too?