By opening up these apartments, they gave us spaces where our youthful dreams still live.
Living in this house with Sandry-that made a fine dream, a bit rough at the edges.
Her scary dreams about helping my mom live another ten or twenty years.
But up there, amid the stars, his lifelong dream still lived.
Apocalypse's army retreats saying that his dream will live on, even though he is dead.
The dream of space travel lives on around the world, thanks in part to the export of American popular culture.
A look at the technology, both in use and on the drawing board, makes clear why the dreams live on.
A microfilm memex was never built, but the dream lived on.
But the dream of the big, smash-hit restaurant lives on.
Even if he could not speak to Carolin face-to-face, their dream lived on in his own work.