I knew that beneath my clothes, I appeared as one made of ropes dipped in pitch, and I could not imagine the dreadful terror that my face had become.
Sooner or later the bugaboo they invented would be, for the victim, not a mischievous libel, but a real and most dreadful terror.
There was a long moment when his vision and his bearing blurred and he knew with dreadful terror that he was dead.
A smarting pain in my left hand, a dreadful terror in my heart, were at first the only sensations of which I was aware.
I can feel those dreadful terrors again - visions of blood and death.
They alone have kept him in power to this day, unmindful, it would seem, of what he did, of what we fought the war for, and blind to the awful butcheries and dreadful terror of Europe's only surviving fascist regime.
"And he can't swim," Farrell whispered, remembering Ben's instants of sudden dreadful terror in the pool.
Bad enough to have the country threatened with inundation, but for the tender-hearted and romantic - and even among the so-called stolid Dutch there are an uncommon number of those around - the thought of what dreadful terrors may lie in store for two beautiful and innocent young damsels could be a great deal worse.
There will be something wrong; I have a dreadful terror here at my heart.
Night was a time of dreadful terror as the Raveners gathered around the shield, clawing at it and moaning their hideous longing.