Or was it just the same propaganda as that dreadful stuff about what slans did to babies?
This time I brought half a case of the dreadful stuff.
Just what is this dreadful stuff, and why does it feel like you've been licked full in the face by the devil himself?
It was dreadful stuff but it was all there was.
I wasn't allowed to eat anything except lettuce and celery and dreadful stuff like that.
As for herself, she could buy food to supplement the dreadful stuff at the lodgings; perhaps soon they would be able to move elsewhere.
Now the dreadful stuff was flowing into his eyes with the force of a hundred hot springs and he could no longer keep them open.
It doesn't help me to know that this dreadful stuff is the cry of a drowning man.
I felt ashamed of myself among all this dreadful stuff.
I was always drawn to the dreadful stuff: action films and westerns and horror.