He had been caught doing a dreadful sin.
That I'm solely responsible, and eternally damned for my dreadful sin in bringing this about?
"We've got to recognize the problems and deal with them in a significant way, or that dreadful sin will plague us forever."
According to their traditions, the word in ker in Sindhi means a dreadful sin.
'Only tell me how can I do sufficient penance for my dreadful sins?'
'Tell him that we've committed a dreadful sin and want to atone for it,' Kalten shrugged.
Miles, the boy, has been expelled from his school, for a sin so dreadful the headmaster will not even discuss it.
Let us join together now to offer up a fervent prayer that All-Merciful God shall see fit to forgive his dreadful sin.
The lack of evidence of wet dreams is certain evidence of self-abuse, a dreadful sin indeed.
Is he, as Cass was, trying to purge himself of some dreadful sin?