I have a dreadful habit of buying so many gowns in a Season that I never have a chance to wear all of them.
Don't you want to give up all the dreadful habits that are ruining you-- keeping you back from success?
Marino indulged in his dreadful habit of picking apart his Styrofoam coffee cup.
I shall simply, for the present, talk little and eschew fire-proof gloves, lest I fall into certain dreadful habits irrevocably.
However, you have a dreadful habit of making long speeches about promises or about how we should behave, instead of replying to a simple question.
It's a dreadful habit, those cigarettes.
You're not even going to offer me a drink to help support this dreadful habit of mine?
Many fellow Members have the dreadful habit of twisting the meaning of words in order to meet the needs of the federalist cause.
It seems to have become a dreadful habit in our family.
He began to regard himself not as a sorry creature, but as someone inexpressibly vile, endowed with dreadful habits and leanings.