The drawling voice came from the doorway, which still stood open.
A voice came from the other side of the door, a drawling voice, sounding rather amused.
After a moment, he heard Paul Drake's drawling voice on the telephone.
Lucinda smiled and was about to accept when a drawling voice cut off her escape.
The drawling voice of the Native Son stopped them, ten feet from the porch.
"Well, look at our nature girl communing with the heavens," came a drawling voice from around the corner of the school.
A drawling voice said clearly, 'Five against three are coward's odds.
This virile young American, with the significant drawling voice, had the whip hand of him.
I would hear from a faraway room, in the drawling voice that seemed to me so lovely.
A drawling voice from the rear of the room and south of Tennessee.