"When they did that at the prison I worked at in Oxford, it didn't work," he explained, drawing snickers from a few teachers.
Some were less than a year old, drawing snickers from members of more established clubs.
But some of the software's categorizations might draw snickers from aficionados.
When he was healthy, Marshall often said he didn't get enough playing time, a contention that would draw snickers.
Wearing discordant attire was exactly the sort of innocuous act that too often drew hurtful snickers.
That drew snickers and derisive laughter from the audience, which later expressed a preference for the men's presentation by a 3-to-1 margin.
And Mr. Clinton's warnings against drug use drew snickers.
That draws blank looks or snickers from Congressmen, depending on whether you are talking to a Republican or Democrat.
The line was about higher educational standards, but it drew snickers from the press.
Last year, the Clinton Administration drew snickers from the communications industry when it predicted that this invisible real estate would be worth $10 billion.