And then there was Johnny -El Pollito - a madman of a singer and guitar player who drew shouts of laughter.
Lauren Flanigan, a soprano, sometimes seemed too powerful as the timid Countess, but her virtuosity drew shouts of praise from the audience.
That remark drew shouts and boos, and later residents complained that they could not count on the Planning Board or Village Board to resist development.
He might also draw shouts from a competitor he crashed into in the last race.
At a groundbreaking ceremony yesterday, Mr. Gabelli drew shouts and applause from more than 300 students when he began his speech with a cheer: "Go Tigers!"
"Power comes from God," he said, drawing applause and shouts of support from many attendees.
Mr. Sharpton's question drew shouts from the crowd: "Talk about it!
Like all of contemporary music, American opera has many currents and tributaries, and any blanket assertions about it will quickly draw shouts of contradiction.
At Mr. Sharpton's headquarters in January, he drew shouts of astonishment as he sought to explain the evolution of his thinking on the issue.
Her rowdy voice drew shouts of assent.