The hearing drew reporters and television cameras.
And in recent months it has drawn reporters from as far as Japan looking for those who have fallen through the cracks.
This draws not only the townspeople, but several reporters.
It is expected to draw 30,000 collectors, designers, gallery owners, reporters and critics - and many corporate sponsors.
The event drew about 200 students, 2,000 signatures on re-release petitions, and several reporters.
The result was an event that Congressional aides said drew more reporters to the halls of Congress than any since the Clinton impeachment.
His candidacy typically lasted as long as he could manage to draw reporters to his news conferences.
But the film drew mostly reporters, and lawmakers already opposed to the gambling package.
The inspections and closing drew reporters from several news organizations and created a minor spectacle.
That's going to draw reporters like raw meat draws jackals, and then there'll be no way to keep the lid on.