One religion worshipped animals, and from it Sazed drew forth pictures, explanations, and references regarding the life that should have lived on the earth.
A number of commentators drew references from the early 19th-century indemnity demand and how it had severely depleted the Haitian government's treasury and economic capabilities.
His initiation ceremony as an air conditioning repairman drew references to Twin Peaks and The Big Lebowski.
Archer Woodford has suggested that Imperial was an ecclesiastic, drawing this conclusion based on his apparent familiarity with and references to the Catholic liturgy.
The film draws numerous references to the Mississippi Blues movement, not least in its title and soundtrack.
This visual trope has drawn references to the Italian master Michelangelo Antonioni and many of his works about urban displacement.
Lyrically, the track speaks of disillusionment and pain in a relationship, drawing references to fairytales.
The art form takes inspiration from the natural world, drawing references from botanical studies and deep sea organisms.
His arguments, drawn almost entirely from the Old Testament, with but very scanty references to the New Testament, are largely chronological.
Reasons for changing one's name are explored as the film draws references from history, popular culture and individual experiences.