'Wait until you see who's here,' she'd whispered excitedly, then reeled off a dizzying list of names that had drawn oohs and aahs.
In June, myriad white star-shaped flowers cover the plant, inevitably drawing oohs and ahs from those who are not familiar with it.
It definitely draws oohs and aahs from our visitors.
But the party itself, produced by Ms. Siegal, drew oohs and ahs.
While the show's visuals drew oohs and ahs, U2's music suffered from apparent first-night jitters.
Usually, this draws oohs and ahs but now, as the antiterrorists looked up from their Show Bus restaurant tip sheets, they were silent.
Though Mr. Adkins's best routines draw oohs and ahs, he is just as successful at drawing laughs.
A motorcyclist whizzed past, drawing oohs and aahs from passengers in the upper deck.
The Fairy Godmother's coach, which drew oohs and aahs from the audience, was tacky.
Overused, but when in flower they draw oohs from passers-by.