The news ticker in the lobby window drew onlookers from the rink.
The festival is a major religious and urban event, which draws large numbers of participants, devotees, supportive family and friends as well as curious onlookers, photography enthusiasts and tourists.
People out here know their trucks, and the Avalanche never sat for long without drawing curious onlookers and small crowds.
The bells of the abbey pealed repeatedly, drawing curious onlookers from the nearby village of St.-Mere-Abelle.
The Boardwalk drew a few intrepid joggers and curious onlookers with video cameras.
At their height in the late 30's, the balls drew 8,000 dancers and onlookers, blacks from Harlem and whites from throughout the city.
The 1996 competition, in Frankfurt, drew 60,000 participants and onlookers.
Mr. Petit drew relatively few onlookers and continually urged his audience to cheer to lure more people.
By and large, Mr. Clinton's appearance here drew enthusiastic onlookers, though there were a few scattered jeers as he made his way through the crowd.
In the re-enactment scene, Shines gradually draws onlookers away from Hammond, "cutting heads," as described by Barbara Schroeder.