The oldest surviving Korean world map, Kangnido, drew its knowledge of the Western Regions from the work of Islamic geographers.
Together with the works of Rufinus and Orosius, it was one of the principal sources from which through the Middle Ages the Western peoples drew their knowledge of early church history.
Of a different ilk entirely We draw our knowledge from observation and experience!
Again I'm open to being wrong as the even the experts have drawn their knowledge from interpretation i.e. educated guesses, as there weren't often accurate records of how it was done.
Excuse my hometown bias, but I can't help wonder whence she draws her knowledge of Bayonne.
He never forgets anything he has learned, though an Age of history may pass before he is able to draw forth his oldest knowledge from his memory.
"You appear to be smitten, after all, with the charms of this queenly maiden," said he, hoping thus to draw forth the physician's hidden knowledge.
I smiled back, drawing upon all my own knowledge of the past.
It was from Golding's pages that many of the Elizabethans drew their knowledge of classical mythology.
There is a need for interdisciplinary teams of researchers who can draw on one another's knowledge and strengths.