It effectively contrasts a traditional teenage romance story against realistically drawn details of everyday life as a colonist on the moon.
It draws details from all canonical Star Trek sources, including the movies, television shows, and animated series.
Yet her voice gains strength as she draws minute details from her memory of that night and the dreadful years that followed.
Coe drew the elevations, perspectives and details, and Hofland made the plans.
(The above Washington Post article drew details from the Daily Standard.)
This water-soluble color pencil allows to draw fine details and to blend them with water.
In places where the fabric is block printed the Kalam (pen) is used to draw finer details and for application of some colours.
The artist has to sit there and draw details of the horror.
Elizabeth draws beautiful, really impossible details.
David, however, drew other details from his visit to Marat's residence the day before the assassination: the green rug, the papers, and the pen.