They birthed a distinctive school of music whose practitioners can be fiercely traditional: novel interpretations have drawn severe censure in both West Bengal and Bangladesh.
But now Mr. Miller has drawn censure from the same government watchdog groups that he has championed.
In the past, his zealous promotion of I.C.N. products drew censure and penalties from the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Food and Drug Administration.
The claim of "Over 250,000" successes drew censure from the UK's Advertising Standards Authority.
So, for example, the behaviour of people who fall in love, such as kissing in public, is tolerated rather than drawing censure as it might in other circumstances.
These views swiftly drew censure from members of the 'creative stream' who attended the recent 2020 Summit convened by Rudd, led by actor Cate Blanchett.
But in a time when images, and particularly photographs, with even the slightest hint of sexual content were widely condemned, Eakins's unorthodox behavior was bound to draw censure.
The intervention drew censure later from senior officials who judged that excessive force had been exercised without good judgement, although the British government issued a statement defending the action.
The motion picture version however, which was shown to selected officials, drew strong censure.
The elevation of Boesak to the COPE leadership, given his record as a convicted malefactor, drew considerable censure from press and public alike.