The products of the priciest bloodlines began drawing lower bids and the bottom of the market fell even more quickly.
That indeed drew higher bids; Con Ed, for example, received nearly double the book value of its plants in the city.
The €25 billion auction drew bids amounting to €103.1 billion, from 177 banks.
Last year, it tried to auction off 11 land-based exploration blocks, but just 6 drew bids.
"Back in the spring, there was such a frenzy that very pedestrian product was drawing multiple bids."
The domestic listing, the first by an insurer in China, drew bids for about 49 times the stock on offer.
On sale will be what is said to be the most complicated watch ever made, expected to draw bids well in excess of $3 million.
The three-year Italian bond drew bids worth 1.22 times the amount on offer.
The stagecoaches, trains and covered wagons drew bids from more than 500 people on Oct. 9 and 10.
A series of Mcorp bonds maturing in 1999 drew bids of $40 in trading today for every $100 in face value.