THE latter situation, in drastic form, illustrates what is happening at the Belnord.
Inevitably these mount until they manifest in overt war, the most drastic form of competition.
The burqa Afghan women were required to wear in public was the most drastic form of hijab with very limited vision.
The reality of what we were about to do took sudden drastic form.
In effect, a Diagnosticianan subjected himself or itself voluntarily to the most drastic form of schizophrenia.
Roosevelt initially supported this plan, and managed to convince Churchill to support it in a less drastic form.
Conservation of mass makes him a rather large wolf, although other weres in the book, taking far more drastic forms, have more serious problems.
Although General Motors does not support the retraints, it prefers them to other, more drastic forms of protection.
In the 1980s, during the period of martial law in Poland, transparency served to protect against the most drastic forms of repression.
She was waiting for it to take a more drastic form, paralysis of the jaw muscles, temporary blindness, fits.