The story focuses on a young boy named Josh, whose family goes through a dramatic upheaval.
In fact, dramatic upheavals in membership have ensured the band never releases albums more frequently than four years apart.
Except for one about cancer, however, most of their stories don't deal with dramatic upheavals.
Nokia's platform strategy has gone through a dramatic upheaval over the past year.
Of the 155 colleges of education that existed in 1972, not one has remained untouched by the dramatic upheaval that followed.
And as it turned out the next few nights held no dramatic upheavals.
The three-day meeting proved a turning point in the dramatic upheaval that has seized East Germany over the last month.
Short cycles and long cycles, accentuated by dramatic upheaval.
But despite these dramatic upheavals, not everybody is convinced that bubbles even exist.
In the 1870s, Ireland was undergoing a period of dramatic upheaval.