The song is humorous in content, the verses each describing a dramatic or urgent scenario leading up to the asking of the titular question.
He asserts that the "apple scare" and "similarly dramatic scenarios of impending environmental doom" are fabrications of the "clean-living industry."
Yet I've never known how much she really believed herself, if it wasn't just another scene in the dramatic scenario she had to make for herself.
In his 1991 book Heroic Worlds, Lawrence Schick calls this adventure "A dramatic scenario."
The finale is a dramatic scenario where TJ has to make crucial decisions about his new life.
The new work is challenging a century of scholarship culminating in a dramatic scenario, widely accepted since a series of influential publications in the 1970's.
But similarly dramatic scenarios of impending environmental doom are presented routinely by the clean-living industry.
Added Jackson, "I don't know if anybody could quite write a dramatic scenario like that one."
There's a dramatic scenario that goes from movement to movement.
In the case of the Iraq war, Mr. Hare said, he was using documents, news reports and interviews to shape a dramatic scenario.