Sales of amateur telescopes, astronomy books, and videos soared; related college classes reported record enrollments; catastrophism saw a dramatic revival.
Traditional textiles of Northwest Coast tribes are enjoying a dramatic revival.
At the same time, the years of famine were also marked by dramatic revival of illegal, private market activities.
There is, in fact, a dramatic revival of interest in it among young adults.
Cider and perry production in Wales began a dramatic revival in the early 2000s, with many small firms entering production throughout the country.
But last night, the one-man show took the Shea Stadium stage before 33,094 numbed spectators, and made a dramatic revival.
When you lose 12 of 18 games in the homestretch, it's probably too late for dramatic revivals.
Belleayre was saved, and in the last decade the ski area has had a dramatic revival.
But does it feel to him as if he's enjoying a dramatic revival of his fortunes?
A Moon for the Misbegotten, an outstanding dramatic revival of an American classic.