However, the subject matter of the song made it a very popular one, and the form's conventions showed up in other lyric poetry and dramatic poetry.
The major types of dramatic poetry are those already discussed, to be found in plays written for the theatre, and libretti.
What the people call dramatic poetry is a collection of sermons.
He has also examined the trifunctional hypothesis in Greek epic, lyric and dramatic poetry.
Stesichorus exercised an important influence on the representation of myth in 6th century art and on the development of Athenian dramatic poetry.
However, her triumph is not complete, and she aspires to control dramatic poetry as well as political, religious, and hack poetry.
Should we not rejoice to see the art of painting vie with dramatic poetry in its ability to move, instruct, reform and edify?
In addition to music he wrote lyric and dramatic poetry and was on the fringes of the circle around Stefan George.
It's very dramatic poetry in that way.
It is in fact the privilege of dramatic poetry to be able to show us several planes of reality at once.