This introduction sets the stage for a fast-paced show with high production values and dramatic footage.
The programme captured dramatic footage of the aftermath of the Cumbria shootings during Summer 2010.
Ms. Choloyan said she was motivated to organize the visits after local activists returned from Chechnya with dramatic footage of impoverished children.
The dramatic footage was filmed during the fighting that broke out in Thokoza late Sunday, Dec. 2.
Producers said they walked a fine line between paying too much attention to dramatic footage and underplaying the difficulties at hand.
WJAR cameras perched on the neighboring rooftop captured the most dramatic footage.
Television news emphasized dramatic footage over facts, sensationalism over substance, seeking ratings with cop and courtroom dramas.
Many people nowhere near Lower Manhattan were victimized by the repetition of dramatic footage on television.
Along with covering the history and the demanding training rescue swimmers must complete, the specials also feature dramatic on-scene footage of several heroic rescues.
Sion showed dramatic footage of the Alps and emphasized its experience as the host of major winter events.